Tuesday, February 28

Wasabi and Other Cold Remedies

When the date for Nathan to leave for boot camp got closer and closer, he got sicker and sicker.  We tried the natural remedies, the steroid-like ones and the very strange in the hopes that he would get better. If he couldn't get better he would have to have someone else take his place on ship day and start the process to get into the Air Force again.  That would take another 4 to 6 months to get into boot-camp again!  This cast of characters is only some of the remedies we tried. 

We had given up on just hot showers, soup and Nyquil to make this cold relinquish and decided to pull out the big guns with a Neti Pot.  Neither of us had used one before so it was kinda fun/gross to try it out.

See what I mean about gross?  You have to breathe through your mouth while running this through your nostrils so not only does it look funny, but it sounds funny too.

We think that it was very effective, but because we were trying so many different things, we don't really know if it worked well or not.  I love his face in this one... hehe, he's loving it.

So after clearing his nostrils with the Neti Pot, he still had some congestion that was making him sound funny... so he grabbed some Wasabi that we had left over from a sushi night.  He figured something spicy would just fry all the snot outta his head.

It didn't really help all that much.

One nostril cleared.... and the rest was just really funny photos!  teehee, I like it when he eats wasabi

He was a little clearer after that... we ran out of tissues so Nathan started toting around a roll of toilet paper.

Being sick sure isn't fun, but when your Nathan it is kinda funny.

P.S. Yes he is now gone to boot camp and I could be posting these very flattering photos to only have him return from boot-camp to find that his wife had a hay day with her blog posts, but I got permission to post them before he left.  And after he said yes, I told him that I love him and he's the best.

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