Sunday, June 3

Keesler Air Force Base and A Weekend with Nathan

I loved having a long weekend with my husband, but it was not long enough.  It was so nice to be able to wake up in the morning and to have his face be the first thing I saw.  I love my beautiful husband more than anything, he is the world to me.  And it was nice to see him in person to remind myself that he really is that wonderful and that I'm not making it all up inside my head.

We had such a good time reconnecting and just being able to be husband and wife.  He also was able to be in civilian clothes, so I could hold his hand all weekend.   That made me extra happy.

Biloxi is on the coast of Mississippi and it was more hot and humid than I could wrap my brain around.   Every time we walked outside, the heat and humidity shocked me. I felt like we were swimming instead of walking around base the air was so thick.  I did not like it.  Once we got to where ever we were going the sweat and humidity that had collected on our skin while walking would begin to drip and run down my face, legs... you name it.  I had a puddle around the base of my chair after walking to church on Sunday.  Sorry, too much information?  It was seriously gross.

Mississippi is pretty though.  It is incredibly flat and that made it really hard to remember how to get around.  I didn't realize how much I rely on the mountains on the West coast to tell which direction I need to go.

We stayed in the Air Force hotel on base.  They aren't the fanciest rooms.  We even had a note telling us not to drink the water from the building because it could make us sick.  But the rooms were clean and air conditioned and super cheap compared to everything else in town.  So, we were happy.

We had to walk everywhere we went... meaning, we didn't go very far.  Base is still fun though.  Everything is still very new to me.  Like all the signs....

There were left overs from hurricane Katrina all over the place.  There were piles of sand and sea shells all over base.

I hadn't met anyone who had been effected by the hurricanes until this visit.  They have done a really good job at rebuilding everything though.  The city looks great.

There were water towers all over the place too.  I still don't understand what the purpose of a water tower is.  When I was little my dad would answer my serious questions with non serious answers... I dunno why, maybe it was funny, or a way to shut me up for a little bit... anyway, I thought that they were places for people to take showers when they ran out of water.  Not true.

My dad never gave me any reason to doubt him and I believed all the tall tale stories he told me.  My favorite fake story that my dad told me was about the emergency knob in his Volkswagen bug.  He told me that when you pulled it, it let people know that you were in trouble by spinning the car around in circles.  I believed him.  I dunno how that helps someone in trouble, but I believed my dad and I guess it did made a curious kid keep her hands to herself in the car.  Maybe that was the point.  I've asked my dad why he told me stories and he smiles and avoids the answer.  I still don't know why he decided to lie to me about these things... made for one confused kid as I got a little older.  No worries, I've figured out the truth to most of the stories by now.  At least I hope I have.

There are airplanes all over the place on base.  Even in street medians.

I love the BX (Base Exchange).  It's like a little mall with stores that sell things at slightly discounted rates for military families.  The Commissary is the grocery store on base that is also discounted.  Nathan and I explored both.

Being away from Nathan, I have found that I love sunsets more than sunrises.  As the sun sets, I can remind myself that I have made it through another day, and that I'm one day closer to being able to live with my husband again.

This is the first sunset of many that count down the days until we can see each other again.  It's been a good weekend.

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