Tuesday, June 19

OSU Class of 2012

My commencement ceremony was wonderful.  Can you tell I was excited?  There was a lot of waiting in lines, but finding snipers on the rooftops was a fun distraction. 

The place was packed.  They had more people attending this year than they have ever had before.

It was pretty easy to find my family in the crowd.  They are the people huddled under the orange OS blanket.   It was a little chilly in the shade and these poor Californian's kinda froze.

I checked to make sure my name was in the program.  It was there, I really did finish.

I was pretty close to the front, which made me think I might be able to get a glimpse of our commencement speaker, Michele Obama.

She was given an honorary doctorate for her numerous programs and work with the young people in America to proved them with rich lives.

It's too bad that the graduation gown covers up her sculpted arms.  They are pretty impressive.  I wish that I had arms like Michele Obama.

I could see her much better on the screen then I could from where I was sitting.  That little black dot, on the stage, in this next photo is her giving her commencement speech.

I should have gotten a picture of my actual diploma, but I didn't think about that then.  Oh well.  It's real, and I held it.  It has my name on it and everything.

After they handed it to me, I shook the hands I'm suppose to shake, and smiled for the Cameras, I opened it up to see if my name really was there.  Did I really finish?  There must have been some snafu somewhere.  I have to retake a class, or maybe I missed one completely.   This isn't really real.

And there it was.  My name.  Britta Rae Sinex.  The recipient of a Bachelors Degree in Animal Science.  My eyes got a little misty as I realized the fight and struggle was over and now I was reaping the benefits.

Just then my phone buzzed with a text from my husband.  He just saw me and let me know that he was so proud of me, even he got a little choked up.

It took me a little longer than planed.  And I went through more crap in the years getting here than I could have ever imagined.  I mean, who gets their house flooded the week after her husband leaves for boot camp and the week before finals?  Yeah, me.  That's who.  But I still got all A's and B's on my finals.  And I came out of the whole things sane.  At lest I hope I did.  If that's not the case... could someone please let me know?  Thanks.  If that is not a testament to how much I've grown through these years, I dunno what is.

I'm so glad that I was able to share this day with my family.  It's so much more fun to celebrate with your siblings, even though my not-so-little-brother-Ricky (whom I utterly adore) was across the pond in England.  I knew he was proud of me even though he couldn't be there either.

Michele Obama talked about living a rich life.  To let people know that you love them, to use your struggles to build yourself up --- not to break down, and to do what you love --- not what is expected.

It was really good and if you have about 20 minutes, here's the link so that you can watch it too.

She couldn't have described any better, what I strive for ever day.

I could not have done this on my own and I'm very grateful to all the wonderful friends, family, and professors that have made my goal attainable.  You constantly build me up and make me feel like I can do anything.  Thank you!

I did it.

Time for a new adventure.


  1. Britta I am so proud of you. I know you've worked very hard to finish school. Yay you! I have fond memories of helping you apply to go to OSU with your Mom and Auntie Cheryl so it's wonderful to see the end result. I love you very much and think of you often. Congratulations!

  2. Yay you did it!! No more homework or tests or papers! It will start to set in when September comes and you're not going back. New adventure indeed. Congrats, Britta Rae!

  3. Wooh! That's awesome! I love how in one of your pictures of Michelle Obama you can see a guy in a (navy?) uniform behind her taking a picture with his cellphone. Hilarious!

    1. haha! I didn't even notice that. too funny!
