Tuesday, July 10

I'm Still Here... The Birthday's Took Over

I can't believe it has been over two weeks since I have posted anything!  And it isn't because I haven't had anything to post about either.  I've been particularly busy this month.

June is the month of birthdays in my family.  So there was lots of cake and good food, as well as presents, and parties.

Luckily I kicked up the workout routine to keep up with the increase in delectable food and found that by the end of birthday mayhem, I have a cute little two pack!  Wahoo!

The month starts off with my birthday.  And I like pie more than cake, so this is my birthday pie!

I love strawberry season!

I was also fed cake by my co-workers... it was VERY good cake... and that means a lot coming from me.

Next (after father's day) is my dad's birthday.

He had a yummy cake too.

Then my sister had an Avengers pool party.  While I called to wish the husband a very happy birthday too!

My lips tasted very yucky after blowing up those balloons.

And she had an amazing homemade cake that she and my stepmom created.

Austin had a surprise half birthday party (that was also Avenger themed).  He's a December baby and his day is a little over shadowed by Jesus, so he gets a summer birthday too.

He loved it!


  1. That chocolate cake looked so good!
    Happy Birthday to you (and your family)!

  2. ummm his brother in law rubbing off on him ?
