Tuesday, May 1

Can't Stop The Rock! Go Gators!

This is the sign I made for Nathan's graduation.  Gave me something to do on my forever long flight, with an hour long delay, while they fixed a broken wing.  I love sitting in a non moving plane for an hour while parents try extra hard to entertain their unhappy toddlers.  And by love I mean loath. 

And I'm really glad that I decided to make a banner!  He had been unable to reach me for over a week and had no idea what my status was, what day I would be flying out or anything.  So during the airman's run, he had no idea if I was there yet, or even his his parents were there.  I saw him immediately, but he didn't see me.  Lucky, other people in his flight saw my banner and were able to let him know that someone was there to see him!

Can't Stop The Rock!  So proud of my Airman Sinex!


  1. I have no idea why there is an alligator on your sign... but I like it!

    1. Haha, I guess I should have mentioned that each training squadron has a mascot and his was an alligator. And thanks!
