Sunday, May 20

I Might Be A Bad Person and Other Uses For Mouthwash

This is a torture device.  And I'm not talking about the burning sensation that happens when you swish this stuff around your pearly whites, although that is not a favorite of mine.  This is a prison cell for my latest house guest.  A spider had the nerve to sneak up on me while I was brushing my teeth.  He was practically on my foot and I had to go into action with what I had.  Normally, I would yell for a husband to come rescue me and he would laugh at my silly fear and either flush him or escort him outside.  But the husband is a few thousand miles away and this guy was so fat I could not pretend that he was not there.  This spider was going to haunt my dreams.

It's happened before.  I slept in my little sister's room for a week, once upon a time, because I saw a spider in my bedroom and then crazy thing went all ninja on me and I couldn't find it when the escorts came to show him the way out.  I would have stayed in her room for a month, but she kicked me out.

So I made sure that I knew where this one was.  He's probably going to die in there unless I get the guts to move him.  But he be scary!  I mean... look at those fat legs trying to figure out what's going on through the cup!

I feel bad for trapping him.  I should let him free..... outside, so he can eat all the other bugs I don't like.  But I'm too chicken.  I think it is easier to live with the guilt of starving a creature to death then risk it getting out and allow it to wreak its havoc on mankind.

Does that make me a bad person?

I dunno.  But I do know this means I wont be using mouthwash for a while.  That makes me happy.

1 comment:

  1. Ha! You're hilarious (I'm laughing at you for Nathan). I think you're fine for starving the guy to death... but that may take a while.
