Sunday, May 20

Rounding up Cattle in The Backyard

I love that I can stop by my dad's house after work and find some of the most unlikely things happening.  

Last weekend, we all got a lesson on ropen cattle.

This is my dad's homemade spotted cow.

And this is how you swing the rope.  Don't you wish your dad was cool enough to have his own cattle roping game?  Yeah, I know.  You're pretty jealous.  It's okay.  I would be too if he wasn't my dad.

And then someone else pulls the rope on the front "cow" so it's more realistic... real cowboys don't rope non-moving cattle --- of course.

And that's how you rope a steer.  Kinda.

Sometimes, it is easier to practice on the little cow that doesn't move though.  My youngest kid brother put forth some good effort ropen this little guy.

But don't let his size (and lack of mobility) fool you.  He's still hard to catch.

hehe... my family is awesome :)

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