Saturday, May 12

A Kick in The Pants, Bob Harper Style

Sometimes I fall off the healthy train and I need a little help getting the motivation to get back on.  I enjoyed my time of watching netfix back to back and eating ice-cream for dinner, but I know that I do not want to become a military BMW (Big Military Wife).  I learned what a military BMW was from my brother when he attended his Air Force graduation and watched all the Air Force big wigs takes their seats next to their large wives.  I laughed so hard when I learned about that acronym and how well known it is in the military.

It's hard being a military wife and I would love to turn to food for comfort... but I am well aware of the side effects, so that is not an option.  Which leaves me with the other option, watching what I eat and exercising.  Ugh, that takes so much effort!  I wish I could just go back in time to when I loved to workout, when I needed to workout to complete my day.  It was easy then.  I had runners highs then.  That starts the cycle of doubt, where laziness kicks in and I start to remind myself how much I love to sit and read.... with a slice of fresh baked pie, melting a cool scoop of ice-cream on top.  I'm already salivating.

I need to shake the laziness away, so this is my plan... in every situation I ask myself, "What would Bob Harper do?"  If you don't know who Bob Harper is, you are missing out on life!  He's a trainer on The Biggest Looser (probably my favorite TV show).  He is truly inspirational.
He can be sweet when he's helping the contestants deal with emotional difficulties and scary when he's helping them burn fat and gain muscle.  He knows just how far to push and every week I see him helping these people on the show realize their potential.  I need that kind of kick in the pants to realize that I can do more, to instill confidence in myself.

So, in the morning when I think I want to skip breakfast or grab something unhealthy, I ask, "What would Bob Harper do?" and then I eat oatmeal and fresh fruit.

When I want to sit down and catch up on Episodes of New Girl, I ask, "What would Bob Harper do?" and I save the show as a reward for finishing a workout.

When I'm feel my feet starting to drag in a run, I ask, "What would Bob Harper do?" and I push harder.

When I realize that I'm terribly board with my run because I am so out of shape, I ask, "What would Bob Harper do?" and I come up with a game to keep it interesting.

A week in and I'm still going strong.  And I'm super sore!  We'll see if I can keep this up!

I'm just going to remind myself, "what would Bob do?"

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