Tuesday, March 20

Working with Exotic Birds

When I realized how long I would be without Nathan, I started looking to find ways to fill my time after graduation.  I knew that I would have plenty to do the first few weeks he was gone, with my finals and term papers due (little did I know how busy I would actually be), but I knew the second I took that last final, I would have no homework to keep me busy and I wouldn't have a job because it is a student position at the Oregon State University Seed Laboratory... so we decided I should move back down to sunny California so that I could be around my family and get a chance to enjoy the sunshine (I also have plans to steal a cute baby that belongs to one of my besties down there... at least while he's happy and smells good, if he's not, I will hand him back to his mother gladly).  I also started applying for volunteer positions, mostly ones working with animals or on local conservation efforts and I heard back from one that I'm particularly excited about... I get to work with exotic birds!  I found them through volunteermatch.org and was offered a position to come help!  I replied to their email very enthusiastic about working with them and then I didn't hear anything back for a while.  I started to fear that I scared em off or that maybe they lost my contact information.  I remedied that problem by sending a beautiful cover letter and resume to them through snail mail and they called me today to say that they got it and that they think that I would be a great match and they are excited to met me!

How amazing is that?  I've been learning a lot about conservation and have always been fascinated with birds (even though in an agricultural college all of my bird knowledge is about chickens).  I'm soooo excited about this learning opportunity!

I'm hoping that they will let me tell about my adventures here on my blog.... I have a meeting with them April 3rd to discuss the details!  Fingers crossed that it will go well!

Check em out!  http://pandemoniumaviaries.org/

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